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We manufactures and markets a diverse Computer Peripherals including Keyboards, Mice, Hubs and Laptop Cooling Stands as well since 2001. The Company is sales-leading in overseas with manufacturing sites in Taiwan and China. Many of our products enhance product portability and manufacturing simplicity. Factory covers an area of twenty thousand square meters and Shenzhen factory covers an area of ten thousand square meters. Our group has 60 units of injection molding machine, 20 units of mould equipment, 6 units of laser printing machine, 12 units of silk printing machine, 16 assembly lines, as well as many other equipments including wave soldering machine which can fulfill no-lead production. We produced 240K wired keyboards, 300K mice, and 200K RF 2.4G keyboards and mouse combo sets monthly. With strong R&D capability, well experience in quality management and advanced ERP management system, our company is the ideal partner for all customers.
In The Playground台南店 來自巴西的人字拖鞋havaianas台南區經銷商 已於3月20日正式開幕 歡迎對人字拖鞋havaianas及SKONO、dude鞋充滿熱情的朋友加入我們 誠徵假日、寒暑假工讀人員
IN-N-OUT in Taipei 來自加州的漢堡美味, 堅持使用美國choice等級牛肉、現切現炸薯條、獨門醬汁,讓漢堡吃起來juicy,新鮮好吃,特製豬肉漢堡及清爽蔬菜棒只有台灣吃得到。
Jones Lang LaSalle Taiwan was founded in 2001 after a local property-consulting firm Investec (Taiwan), joined Jones Lang LaSalle to become Jones Lang LaSalle, Taiwan. Investec was established in 1980 and rose to become an industry leader, offering a broad range of real estate consulting services. Investec consulted for most of Taiwan’s major companies and conglomerates as well as many international firms. Now with the broad reach and extensive international experience of Jones Lang LaSalle, the Taiwan office is able to offer its clients more services as well as a truly global network to support their investments and operations.
JOY音樂餐廳提供喜愛音樂和美食的顧客一個輕鬆自在.乾淨舒服的空間 由泰籍主廚掌廚.現場有DJ撥放動人歌曲.並可接受點歌.店內的專業音響 可以讓各位顧客好好享受音樂與美食!! Enjoy food music in JOY
Fingerprint Sensor Corp The best fingerprint sensor in the world, we are growing raiply. We like you to join with us, high pay and prompt opportunity
KAE is a strategic marketing intelligence agency, based in London, United Kingdom which is currently working extensively in the APAC region. For more company information, please visit our website: www.kae.com
http://www.kamia.com.tw/index.html KAMIA is the intersection between an angel fund and a product development firm. By investing in an innovative product development process, we seek to improve the value and competitive advantage of businesses. We often see small and medium businesses struggle to gain market share, not because they do not have a great product to offer, but because they are inexperienced in developing strong brands and executing quality product development processes. Large companies often hire product development consultancies to take care of this, however small and medium businesses often lack the development budget to hire consultancies. By partnering with businesses that have great products, technologies, or services to offer, we bring in the experience, time, and investment needed to help them build their competitive advantage.
Established since 1999, Le Bistro de L’Olivier has earned a distinctive reputation in the local dining scene. Boasting a cozy, laid-back ambience, our warm and hospitable restaurant serves authentic homemade Southern French cuisine one can only find in the country. It is indeed a comfortable and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy
我們,Lead Wing Limited,是一個新創立的影像製作團隊。 我們正在籌畫製作一系列以小人物、好人好事為題材,以重新找回台灣草根生命力、找回台灣令人感動的力量為旨趣的紀錄片,預計於2010年的5月,在一個全新的電視頻道,做一週七天、每天一小時的帶狀播放。 為此,我們也正在號召一群胸有大志、胸有大趣,以及胸懷新視野、大視野的有情之士,成立一支志趣相投的影像戰鬥部隊。 若你能寫、若你能編、若你能拍、若你能剪、若你能導,若你擁有天生本領說得好故事,那麼,你很可能正是我們想要找尋的人。 若你還懷有雄心壯志…… 給紀錄片 開創新的節拍、新的情調 給電視節目 注入新的氣質、新的樣貌 給台灣這塊土地 在在可愛、令人動容的啟發 以及,矢志為Made in Taiwan的影像樹立一番新的典型 莫懷疑,我們要找的人,就是你了! 無論是為前述的原因,或者僅只是為了給你自己一個新的機會,或者,棄暗投明,重新體現影像與創作激情的機會 —— 請帶著你的膽識和你的本事,勇敢的走到我們的行列中,說:我要! Lead Wing Limited立志成為華人世界的影像製作標竿,而在完成這番壯舉的征途上,我們熱誠的盼望 —— 有你來與我們大家一起壯行色! 懷才不遇的你、熱情澎湃的你,請與我們聯繫 ——
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